
Cassandra JMX 지표



Cache Hit Rate


RowCacheHit Counter Number of table row cache hits.
KeyCacheHitRate Gauge Key cache hit rate for this table.

Memtable & SSTable Size


MemtableOnHeapSize Gauge Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.
MemtableOffHeapSize Gauge Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.
LiveSSTableCount Gauge Number of SSTables on disk for this table.
LiveDiskSpaceUsed Counter Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table (in bytes).
TotalDiskSpaceUsed Counter Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC’d.

SSTable 접근 빈도


SSTablesPerReadHistogram Histogram Histogram of the number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read. SSTables skipped due to Bloom Filters, min-max key or partition index lookup are not taken into acoount

파티션 & 컬럼 카운트 (추정 값)


EstimatedPartitionCount Gauge Approximate number of keys in table.
EstimatedColumnCountHistogram Gauge<long[]> Histogram of estimated number of columns.



ReadLatency Latency Local read latency for this table.
RangeLatency Latency Local range scan latency for this table.
WriteLatency Latency Local write latency for this table.
CoordinatorReadLatency Timer Coordinator read latency for this table.
CoordinatorWriteLatency Timer Coordinator write latency for this table.
CoordinatorScanLatency Timer Coordinator range scan latency for this table.

Dropped Mutations


DroppedMutations Counter Number of dropped mutations on this table.

Partition Size


MinPartitionSize Gauge Size of the smallest compacted partition (in bytes).
MaxPartitionSize Gauge Size of the largest compacted partition (in bytes).



CompressionRatio Gauge Current compression ratio for all SSTables.

Bloom Filter


BloomFilterFalsePositives Gauge Number of false positives on table’s bloom filter.
BloomFilterFalseRatio Gauge False positive ratio of table’s bloom filter.
BloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed Gauge Disk space used by bloom filter (in bytes).
BloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed Gauge Off-heap memory used by bloom filter.