CassandraDB 버전 별 G1GC 기본 설정 정리
2024. 2. 19. 03:31
Cassandra 버전별 JDK 지원 범위 (JDK 8 ~ 17)
- Cassandra 3.1: JDK 8
- Cassandra 4.0: JDK 8, 11
- Cassandra 4.1: JDK 8, 11
- Cassandra 5.0: JDK 11, 17
G1GC Settings 현황
- Cassandra 3.1: CMS(default), G1GC
- Cassandra 4.0: CMS(default), G1GC
- Cassandra 4.1: CMS, G1GC (default)
- 제공되는 G1GC 설정 값들 강화되었음
- Cassandra 5.0: G1GC (default)
Cassandra G1GC 세팅값 정리
JDK 11
1. Cassandra 4.0
### G1 Settings
## Use the Hotspot garbage-first collector.
## Have the JVM do less remembered set work during STW, instead
## preferring concurrent GC. Reduces p99.9 latency.
## Main G1GC tunable: lowering the pause target will lower throughput and vise versa.
## 200ms is the JVM default and lowest viable setting
## 1000ms increases throughput. Keep it smaller than the timeouts in cassandra.yaml.
## Optional G1 Settings
# Save CPU time on large (>= 16GB) heaps by delaying region scanning
# until the heap is 70% full. The default in Hotspot 8u40 is 40%.
# For systems with > 8 cores, the default ParallelGCThreads is 5/8 the number of logical cores.
# Otherwise equal to the number of cores when 8 or less.
# Machines with > 10 cores should try setting these to <= full cores.
# By default, ConcGCThreads is 1/4 of ParallelGCThreads.
# Setting both to the same value can reduce STW durations.
2. Cassandra 4.1
### G1 Settings
## Use the Hotspot garbage-first collector.
## Have the JVM do less remembered set work during STW, instead
## preferring concurrent GC. Reduces p99.9 latency.
## Main G1GC tunable: lowering the pause target will lower throughput and vise versa.
## 200ms is the JVM default and lowest viable setting
## 1000ms increases throughput. Keep it smaller than the timeouts in cassandra.yaml.
## Optional G1 Settings
# Save CPU time on large (>= 16GB) heaps by delaying region scanning
# until the heap is 70% full. The default in Hotspot 8u40 is 40%.
# For systems with > 8 cores, the default ParallelGCThreads is 5/8 the number of logical cores.
# Otherwise equal to the number of cores when 8 or less.
# Machines with > 10 cores should try setting these to <= full cores.
# By default, ConcGCThreads is 1/4 of ParallelGCThreads.
# Setting both to the same value can reduce STW durations.
vs Cassandra 4.0 변경점
- 신규 추가: -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1
- 신규 추가: -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16m (영역 하나의 사이즈)
- 변경: -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis 500 -> 300
Cassandra 5.0
## Have the JVM do less remembered set work during STW, instead
## preferring concurrent GC. Reduces p99.9 latency.
## Main G1GC tunable: lowering the pause target will lower throughput and vise versa.
## 200ms is the JVM default and lowest viable setting
## 1000ms increases throughput. Keep it smaller than the timeouts in cassandra.yaml.
## Optional G1 Settings
# Save CPU time on large (>= 16GB) heaps by delaying region scanning
# until the heap is 70% full. The default in Hotspot 8u40 is 40%.
# For systems with > 8 cores, the default ParallelGCThreads is 5/8 the number of logical cores.
# Otherwise equal to the number of cores when 8 or less.
# Machines with > 10 cores should try setting these to <= full cores.
# By default, ConcGCThreads is 1/4 of ParallelGCThreads.
# Setting both to the same value can reduce STW durations.
- Cassandra 4.1과 동일 (단 default GC가 CMS -> G1GC로 변경되었음)
1. Cassandra 4.0
### G1 Settings
## Use the Hotspot garbage-first collector.
## Have the JVM do less remembered set work during STW, instead
## preferring concurrent GC. Reduces p99.9 latency.
## Main G1GC tunable: lowering the pause target will lower throughput and vise versa.
## 200ms is the JVM default and lowest viable setting
## 1000ms increases throughput. Keep it smaller than the timeouts in cassandra.yaml.
## Optional G1 Settings
# Save CPU time on large (>= 16GB) heaps by delaying region scanning
# until the heap is 70% full. The default in Hotspot 8u40 is 40%.
# For systems with > 8 cores, the default ParallelGCThreads is 5/8 the number of logical cores.
# Otherwise equal to the number of cores when 8 or less.
# Machines with > 10 cores should try setting these to <= full cores.
# By default, ConcGCThreads is 1/4 of ParallelGCThreads.
# Setting both to the same value can reduce STW durations.
### GC logging options -- uncomment to enable
2. Cassandra 4.1
### G1 Settings
## Use the Hotspot garbage-first collector.
## Have the JVM do less remembered set work during STW, instead
## preferring concurrent GC. Reduces p99.9 latency.
## Main G1GC tunable: lowering the pause target will lower throughput and vise versa.
## 200ms is the JVM default and lowest viable setting
## 1000ms increases throughput. Keep it smaller than the timeouts in cassandra.yaml.
## Optional G1 Settings
# Save CPU time on large (>= 16GB) heaps by delaying region scanning
# until the heap is 70% full. The default in Hotspot 8u40 is 40%.
# For systems with > 8 cores, the default ParallelGCThreads is 5/8 the number of logical cores.
# Otherwise equal to the number of cores when 8 or less.
# Machines with > 10 cores should try setting these to <= full cores.
# By default, ConcGCThreads is 1/4 of ParallelGCThreads.
# Setting both to the same value can reduce STW durations.
### GC logging options -- uncomment to enable